12 August 2015

Shared Dining

 There’s a new style of dining that is sweeping across wedding venues all over town and we here at Peter Rowland could not be happier about it. Shared dining is not only very on trend but is also reminiscent of those fond memories growing up and of the memories you will soon create with your other half.

Shared dining will transport you back to huge Christmas lunches with all of your aunts, uncles and cousins, and to big birthday dinner celebrations with friends. It’s casual and intimate whilst being exciting and fresh at the same time

Your wedding is the biggest and best excuse you’ll have to throw a fabulous party, to surround yourself with your closest friends and family and to create the most wonderful memories to carry into your future married life.

Imagine, instead of dwelling upon whether to choose the lamb or the beef as your red meat option to satisfy the carnivores on your guest list, whilst still trying to provide a light option for the ladies, you could indulge your guests with a lavish spread to enthuse even the fussiest of eaters.

In true Peter Rowland fashion, we have designed the finest and freshest shared dining menus for your big day. After all, weddings are a time to bring all of your nearest and dearest together to share in your happiest moments, so why not do so while delighting in a feast of the most sumptuous food imaginable?

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Photographs courtesy of Peppercorn Photography by Fiona Scanlon

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